Caught Between Student Voices and Boardroom Choices
Scholz has spent much of his life in higher education, emphasizing equitable accessibility. However, he is an economist at heart. Scholz's values align closely with the board's, but he is out of touch with student demands. This discrepancy has been evident in his failure to address harmful Unviersity investments as university president, which has drawn criticism from student groups like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).
A Common Enemy
The Board of Trustees at the University of Oregon is a governing body established partially through lobbying efforts by Phil Knight, operating as an entirely undemocratically appointed entity. This board holds significant financial power and is crucial in appointing the university president. Notably, their decisions offer insight into their priorities, exemplified by the appointment of an economist with ties to the Bush administration (John Scholz), all transpiring without direct student input. Student frustration caused by the absence of democratic processes in the board's composition and decision-making led to an upcoming organized student action during the board's public meeting this Tuesday.
They Asked King “Why” too
"The purpose of our direct-action program is to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation…” Dr. King
A recent "die-in" protest organized by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of Oregon (UO) has ignited a flurry of debate and discussion among students, faculty, and the wider community. The demonstration, which took place late Wednesday morning on campus, aimed to raise awareness about the ongoing genocide in Palestine and called for university divestment from investments contributing to the violence perpetrated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Participants laid down on the ground to simulate being dead; they sought to symbolize solidarity with the Palestinian cause and draw attention to the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region. However, the event was not without controversy, with opinions among UO students being deeply divided.
A response to “UO President Schill says ASUO decision to pass controversial BDS resolution is divisive” - Nguyen, 2018